AptTool Business Operating Systems Software (BOSS)
BOSS creates and documents business operating systems, processes and procedures for performing work consistently and accurately.
When properly applied, BOSS will provide compliance to ISO and regulatory requirements.
AptTool will ensure that the best practise processes have been created and are being followed.
It will enable you to demonstrate to customers how their products and services are created and repetitively produced.
Sales staff can demonstrate to potential customers how you enable quality and value for money in your products and services.
ProAptive Data Analysis Software
This software guides the user through its application by means of a wizard, so that the correct analysis and decisions are made. This automatically advises the user which action to take in order to enact improvements. This action distinguishes between improving the system (common causes), and solving a specific problem (special causes). ProAptive Data Analysis Software therefore prevents the user from confusing action taken on the system, from that taken on an individual when analyzing and interpreting data, (a common problem in government, business and education).
Although based on fairly complex mathematics, the ProAptive software is so intuitive and user friendly via its wizard, that anyone who can operate an ATM, should have no problem in analyzing their process data.